Hello, I am Rosalito

I live in Brittany, France. I am one of the many victims of radio frequencies.
My home and garden were safe until last February, when a new antenna was commissioned 1 km away.
I first took refuge in my kitchen, where I've been locked down for the last 7 months.
The levels keep rising, and these days the whole house has become for me un-inhabitable.

3 years ago, I was like many of you, addicted to my mobile and wireless devices.
My life changed in an instant, when I turned on a new router with stronger wifi than the previous one. I received an overwhelming shock and became highly intolerant to artificial electromagnetic radiations, emitted by antennas, mobiles and all wireless devices.

There is no turning back.

Some have experienced the same as me, which in a sense gives us the chance to understand immediately what is happening to us. For others, the symptoms set in gradually over time:
Headaches, tinnitus, insomnia, palpitations, tremors, anxiety, dizziness, mental haze, exhaustion, burn-out... It can then take years to relate these issues with electromagnetic pollution.

I had anticipated this situation by parking a construction trailer, converted into a Faraday cage, in the garden, in front of the kitchen window, so as not to have to flee further afield, and stay close to my family life.

It is from this sort of dungeon, where I spend most of my time, that I am recording this message.

I am in touch with fellow sufferers in every region of France, in Spain, UK, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, North America, Australia, Polynesia and New Zealand.

We are millions.
Some still manage to stay at home with great difficulty, while others are forced to sleep in their basement.

Many, who have become homeless despite having a home, seek refuge in precarious shelter or even their car, in the middle of the woods where it is more and more difficult to find a white zone.

We can no longer access social life, or civil life. We can no longer access housing, work, healthcare.

You no longer see us.

We are the missing ones.

The owners of the antennas are also the owners of the media. There's too much money at stake for anyone to talk about us.

I am asking you to spread the word that we exist, although we are invisible.

We are denied by institutions. We are so vicously dismissed as Amish. As for me, I'm a geek, and I'll never stop connecting to inform and share news. Wireless-free Internet is possible -

If you find yourself in similar difficulties, don't stay on your own, join us - at least you will find some humanity.

You can reach me using the contact form on my website.

Thank you for listenning untill now.

See you before long

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