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SAFE ZONE – August 2024

How I survive electrosmog at home, in the French countryside, since the commissioning of a new cell tower in February 2024.

     In France, the “Mobile New Deal” is actively working to eliminate all white zones.
There’s no point in moving to a more favorable location: the fewer radio frequency there is, the faster a new mast will appear.

     Here I know my surroundings. For the time being, I can still often go bareheaded… in the kitchen. But little by little, the level is rising. And sometimes the RF-waves are too intense:

– When the network is very busy,
– when the antenna goes haywire,
– when a late-model car parks nearby,
– when tractors and farmers equipped with mobile phones and other wireless devices are working in the fields,
– when people on site have a smartphone that emits even when switched off…

…and I don’t want to wear shielding clothes all day in the house, I seek shelter in a shielded construction trailer, where I finally find electromagnetic peace.

     While I’m fortunate to have been able to set up this emergency system, which can only be temporary, more and more RF sufferers find themselves with no other solution than to flee their homes. You don’t see them, you don’t hear from them, they’re entrenched in the woods, in their car, at best in a caravan or a shack, with no water, no electricity, no means of communication, and for some only visitable by foot through solidarity networks.

     RF sufferers are the new pestiferous, the tabou-persons you never hear about because pressand TV make a point of keeping them out of the spotlight. The administrations that set standards, the owners of antennas and newspapers are all part of the same circles of interest.

What if that happened to you?????

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Should you rush out and let the children sleep inside? Should you be afraid of traumatizing them by waking them up for an emergency evacuation?

    We electrosensitive people, practice electromagnetic hygiene and RF shielding. We avoid exposing ourselves to EMF, and protect ourselves when there’s too much.
And we’ve got into the habit, as if by way of politeness, of gently telling those around us that, perhaps, it would be a good idea if they sometimes put their mobile on airplane mode, or turned off the router’s wifi at least at night… Maybe…
We’ve got into the habit of not disturbing.
We let ourselves be convinced that, after all, EMF were part of modernity, and that we couldn’t suddenly turn back the clock without being considered Amish. (Perhaps we sometimes consider ourselves Amish, because of the difficulties of integrating into civilian life…).
We too have become accustomed to seeing electromagnetic poisoning as the new normal. And to consider ourselves weirdos.

     Yet the house is burning.

     It’s time to get the children out, and quick, at the risk of waking them from their most beautiful dream. It’s time to call a spade a spade, a mortal danger a mortal danger. And to warn others.

     Even if they don’t like it.

     Even if we don’t like it

     It’s time to take responsibility.

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